File Transfer Africa has developed a method and specialist capability to move huge amounts of data reliably, at low cost and at speeds never thought possible using an innovative array of secure, proven and recognised security and file transfer protocols.
File Transfer Africa does not require any fancy client side software or any fancy large packet network to run over and therefore there is no software licensing cost. File Transfer Africa’s service is a pure commodity service, which transfers data from one place to another or makes the data available online nearby the consumer of the content for download.
The source data can be in any format, on any file-system with no size or volume limitations. The File Transfer Africa method will transfer the data by atomizing it down to its binary bits and pieces and recreating the exact binary arrangement at the destination, thereby exactly re-creating the source data with no risk of corruption. Should an interruption occur during the transfer; the File Transfer Africa method will simply pick up wherever it left off.
File Transfer Africa has high speed, high capacity, fibre Internet connectivity in Claremont Cape Town and coupled with the method which has been developed, the file transfer speeds which are being seen are exceptional and sustainably over 30,000KBps which is the same speed as 30x 10Mbps fibre Internet links or 3x 100MBps local area connections like a typical corporate company have as their internal network.
Practically this means copying data internationally from Africa at speeds comparable to working off a file server at the office or copying data off a USB hard disk to your desktop.